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Subject: Re: Yamaha RS7000

From: "Thomas" <tomfinegan@...>
Date: 2001-01-26

--- In AN1x-list@y..., jondl@j... wrote:

> if it has more MIDI-in/out´s than the RM1x.
It has...two MIDI-Outs...and if the RS7k also gets a stronger
processor than the one inside the EX5, this thing should be fine.

> > > there's nothing at the E-mu site yet
> > > but there is at the Emulate Archives web site. Bears a slight
> > > resemblance to the ASR-X except with lots of knobs ;-)
> > Hm...where´s the link, Jon? I would like to see it.
> Here you go...
> ModMoPhattCS/modmophattcs.html
Hmmm...interesting, but it doesn´t include a sampler, doesn´t it?
Anyhow, i wonder when other companies will start to include Yamaha´s
PLG-Boards. A Roland with AN-Board, that would be cool...or not?
> >
> > Regards, Tom Finegan