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Subject: Re: What the heck is a contoller "set" anyway

From: "David " <epiphanius.geo@...>
Date: 2001-01-21

At last I understand. I had thought there were sixteen groups of
controller settings possible for the whole board, not sixteen
assignments per voice. Thanks so much, Jon.


--- In, jondl@j... wrote:
> Hi David,
> A "Set" refers to a source + parameter combination - along with the
> associated depth value. I found the wording in the manual difficult
> absorb at first but here what it all boils down to:
> Select any voice and turn the select knob to the VOICE/SCENE SETUP
> menu; use the rocker button underneath Set No. to choose a Set from
> among 1-16, PB up, PB down, Commn 1 or Commn 2; now use the rocker
> button underneath Param to choose the parameter you wish to alter;
> use the rocker button underneath Source to choose from amongst the
> physical real time controllers on the AN1x - or - assign a MIDI CC
> number that will affect the change when received from the MIDI In
> (that's a really cool option but confusing to use if your new to
> stick to the AN1x physical controllers for now...); then use the
> button underneath Depth to select how much change you wish to make
> the preprogrammed value of the Param you're going to change. If you
> want the change to cover the entire 0-127 value range set Depth to
> Direct. Baiscally, this overides the preprogrammed value in the
> selected Voice. If you want to simply increase or decrease the
> from the programmed value, i.e., use the controller as an offset,
> can choose from between -64 to +63 for the depth amount.
> While were on the subject, there are two more things to remember -
> there are sixteen sets per scene so an AN1x Voice with two scenes
> have 32(!) real time control assignments. Very cool. 2) the Wet/Dry
> for the Vairation effect can be set independently for each scene.
> is a nice touch, IMO.
> HTH.
> regards,
> Jon
> --- In, "David " <epiphanius.geo@y...> wrote:
> > Hi all:
> >
> > The manual talks about selecting the controller "set" (1-16) when
> > setting up controllers for a voice on the An1x. I don't get it -
> > there only sixteen sets of assignments (it does seem enough, I
> > admit). Does this mean that once I select the set, all the
> > assigments are loaded into the voice. Or is it something
> > different?
> >
> > Thanks,