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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] MOTU midi interface trouble (OT)

From: Reggie <reggie@...>
Date: 2001-01-17

Hello Bjorn, Yeah, I know this card I think, I had to go to London and
install one for my mate on win98se, is the time piece a black box with
6 or 7 midi ins and outs? Windows doesn't recognize the card, you have
manually install it, I only ever got it to work on Irq 5, to get it to
install I had to reinstall windows, then before anything else, install
the Motu card. Do you have any other cards in the system? If so make
sure that they are not sharing as well. I really had to fight with it to
get it installed.

Make sure you are using the correct drivers for the card, there are 8
bit and 16 bit.

I'm sorry I can't be anymore help, The thing is in London and I am in

In article <OE63z6UuEhjJ8uT6Ssu000003e1@...>, Bjørn Standal
<standal2000@...> writes
>Dear listers,
>This is slightly off-topic, but thought that we could continue the midi-
>interface thing a little bit longer. Just wondering:
>Has anyone of you guys got the MOTU Midi Timepiece II with 16-bit ISA card
>interface for Windows (Millenium) from around 1995? I have real trouble getting
>the MTP-console to talk to the hardware. The windows-driver seems to install
>correctly, but the console-program says the interface isn't there. Any help
>welcome. Sorry 'bout this! :-)
>Sincerely Yours,
>Bjorn Standal,
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