Archive of the former Yahoo!Groups mailing list: The Yamaha AN1x Synthesizer mailing list

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Subject: Re: Errr... AN1x Edit doesn't like me anymore :-(

From: jondl@...
Date: 2001-01-17

--- In, Sayer <sayerseely@y...> wrote:
> --- jondl@j... wrote:
> > Sayer, maybe this will help
> > tt_midiport.htm Someone from the 'old' Teklab AN1x list let me post it
> > at my site.
> Thanks Jon, that did the trick! :-)

Oh good!

> I tried to get on the old Teklab mailing list for over 6 months! I am ever so
> greatful that it is now on egroups.

And you know, the old list was just getting lively again when the
Teklab server crashed (or whatever happened to it...) Now it's over a
year later and the list is doing as well if not better than ever! :-)
