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Subject: Re: Errr... AN1x Edit doesn't like me anymore :-(

From: jondl@...
Date: 2001-01-17

Sayer, maybe this will help
tt_midiport.htm Someone from the 'old' Teklab AN1x list let me post it
at my site.


--- In, Sayer <sayerseely@y...> wrote:
> AN1x Edit no longer works for me. I changed midi interfaces recently and now
> have a Music Quest 8Port/SE. I tried to retrieve a single sound from the AN1x
> and the program shows 100% received, but locks up with the "100% Received"
> message window still displaying.
> I did make sure that the midi ports were assigned properly. I can also see that
> the proper LEDs are lighting on the midi interface to show data is being sent
> and received.
> Anyone have any ideas?
> Sayer
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