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Subject: Micro modular

From: MountainMan <mtman@...>
Date: 2001-01-16

> --- RayMaxer <digil@...> wrote:
> > P.S. How much is Micro Modular this days ? (and how much poly does it give (I
> > know it depends on patch complexity , but sev. examples would be enough)
> Thay are going for around $1000 on Ebay. I'm not sure about the polyphony.... I
> have a Micro Modular on the way, so I went and spent about an hour downloading
> patches. When I unzipped the files I had over 8000 unique patches. One nice
> thing is that all of the Nord Lead patches have been converted to the Modular
> format and are available for free.

If you're asking about the Nord Micromodular, they go for about $400 on
ebay. The Modular Rack goes for about $1000, the keyboard model a bit
more. I own both the Micromodular and the keyboard - if you can afford
it, go for the "full" modular :)
