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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] Re: (AN200) What would interest me....

From: Sayer <sayerseely@...>
Date: 2001-01-15

--- Peter Korsten <peterk@...> wrote:
> What, if I may ask, is wrong with the sound engine of the Novation
> Nova? If it's up to me, the next item in my line-up is a Supernova II
> Pro X.

Oh, nothing is wrong with it!! I ∗love∗ my Nova. It is one of my favorite
synths and is the easiest to use out of all of them.

I went and tried out the SNII and to be honest, there wasn't enough difference
between it and the Nova sound-wise to justify my "upgrading".

The biggest weakness of the SN line is that it can't get as edgy sounding as
something like the Virus. Otherwise it is an awesome VA.

I would recommend a Nova to anyone looking for a multi-part VA. You can get
them used for around $850 these days. That gives you 6 parts multi-timbral,
each with dedicated effects including delay, reverb, chorus, etc.


'96 PC800 "Discovery"
Herndon, VA

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