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Subject: NAMM RUMOR! (NEW AN!)

From: Elson Trinidad <elson@...>
Date: 2001-01-12

Ladies and Gentlemen...from


syrusate.... Re:Any NAMM rumours yet? (11-Jan-01)

- A few things that i know so far , Yamaha has two new machines out, The AN2000
and DX2000, i beleive those are the names, dont quote me, each are desktop
modules, with 16 step sequencers in them, like the electribes, The AN is of
course the desktop module of the AN1x, and the DX is a fm synth. Havent heard
anything else on either one cept that msrp is 699$ Alot of other new stuff will
be there, but none too exciting,
that i know of. Ill let you all know my review of the NAMM once i come back from



- 30 -

:. elson trinidad, los angeles, california, usa
:. elson@...

"music is a form of rapid transportation" - john cage

[ the futurethnic beats of e:trinity - ]