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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] Re: Digest Number 300

From: "PinheadX" <pinheadx@...>
Date: 2001-01-10

From: "Peter Korsten" <peterk@...>

> > ∗suppressing the urge to punch someone∗
> Hey, weren't you the one who called himself a nazi? People don't
> change, really.
> If you're so keen on punching someone, just come to Malta and look
> for the tallest person around.

In this case he can use the "plan B: If you want to beat someone taller then
you, just shoot him"......just kidding!! No offense..:-)

> And hardly anyone spends USD 5000 on a computer. Most people have a
> budget, and a PC generally offers more bang for the buck than a Mac.
> This means, however, that you have a system of a lower overall
> quality, simply because it's constructed out of cheaper components.
> This has a direct effect on stability.

Stability....I think that nobody can rely on a computer (PC or Mac) when
playing live. But when you're on a studio you can restart the thing and try
again without any same..:-)

> If you're talking about Windows, do you mean 3.1, NT 3.51, 95, NT
> 4.0, 95 OSR2, 98, 98SE, 2000 or ME? With or without the desktop
> upgrade, if applicable? Which service pack? Which version of IE?
> Seven different OS's in about as many years is quite impressive.

It reminds me about Yamaha....a new synth line every two years....and that's
for the same reason that leads Bill Gates to launch a new Winblows Vs. every
year...GREED, they're hungry for our money, I assume that the Mac crew do
the same...

> Indeed the Mac vs. PC debate is silly, but so is agressively replying
> without properly reading or understanding a mail.

Let's take easier and get back to music, Ok? In fact the Yamaha vs. Roland
debate is much more funny..:-)
