Hey fellow Generation-AN1x'ers :)
I'm a "longtime" AN1x'er, having owned one for just about exactly 2 years...
I was on the old AN1x list, the one on Teklab, until it seemed to vanish
from sight...
Anyway, glad to see an AN1x community still alive. It's also neat to find
out that many people are re-discovering our little blue friend; people are
finally coming around to the realization that the AN1x sound better than
the JP8000...Too bad Yamaha discontinued it :(
Does anyone have any patches, or know how to program any old-fashioned
analog string sounds? By old fashioned, I mean old ARP/Solina/Crumar string
sounds...I'm into programming myself, so I don't mind trying, but need to
know what elements (i.e. filter types, etc) need to go into it.
Any of you here into jungle/drum n bass? I'm working on an .an1 bank of
wikkid bass/lead sounds, be patient, I'll post them to the file directory.
elson : e:trinity
- 30 -
: . elson trinidad, los angeles, california, usa
: .
elson@... : www.westworld.com/~elson
: . groove to the futurethnic beats of e:trinity at www.mp3.com.etrinity