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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] OT- Waldorf Gear

From: "PinheadX" <pinheadx@...>
Date: 2001-01-06

From: "Sayer" <sayerseely@...>

> Rogue Music, but they have sold out. They only got 6 in. They have more on
> way though.

I've been in their site a couple weeks ago (I think I lost the
deal...:-)...I'll get in touch w/ them. Thanx.

> Waldorf's voice expansions tend to be rather expensive. Why not get two
> Qs. Or better yet get a Micro Q and the new Virus Rack or a used Novation
> (I love my Nova!). They all cost about the same. Or get a used MicroWave
II or
> a used E-mu Orbit (these are really inexpensive now).

That's a nice point of view, but I can't overload this friend, he's coming
to enjoy his vacations. He lives in US since 1970. Now he's an American
citzen and for the Brazilian law he can bring w/ him anything but used cars,
but two synths should be to heavy to be accomodated w/ his luggage. But I'll
try to figura a way out, or at least be patient enough to wait one more year
to get more stuff.

>>but I'll have to assume the risk to
> > loose my MicroQ in the customs when it come back...
> Ouch! That is a real drag! :-(


> > My version: "That's it! I'm trying to buy a synth for a while!!"...:-)
> Hehe! We have opposite problems!

You're right. It's hard to find the gear you want here in Brazil (there's
only one polyphonic VA in the market...guess?.....That's right! JP8K..:-)
and when you find it's too expensive (remember that I paid $1.100 for the
last AN1x here). So I have to buy it in US and wait for that guy, any other
way would be too danm expensive...:-(
Oh! I forgot I can buy a Korg Trinity, but you can imagine the price! Or
even a EA-1, but I prefer to spend the money (about $700) to get a better
synth in US..:-)


PS: I'm going to take a look at Rogue Music's site....pray for me..:-)