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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] OT- Waldorf Gear

From: "PinheadX" <pinheadx@...>
Date: 2001-01-06

From: "Sayer" <sayerseely@...>

> It's an excellent deal! I decided to get one instead of the Q rack.

You can buy 2 Micros for the price of one rack.

> My Micro Q was shipped today. They have hit the US. :-)

Where??? Does it have an website? Online sales?

> > that's my biggest
> > problem, I'm running out of time to buy this (there's a guy that will
> > to Brazil in February, so I have to buy it ASAP) and this expansion must
> > instaled on a Waldorf service center or dealer, but they don't exist
here in
> > Brazil. I e-mailed them but the response I got wasn't satisfying.
> Hmm... That could be a problem. Do you really thing you will need the
> voices? What other synths are you using?

Be sure that I'll need...well, I don't need 75 voices, 60 would be
In fact its polyphony may be reduced to 16 voices, it'll depend of the
patch complexity...and I'm not sure if the drum sounds are independent, I
read about it but I can't recall where.
I'm using only my AN1x, and a sampler (Ok, I'm also using a SBlive). As you
may see I really need more (real) synth voices. And to import a new synth I
have to wait untill february, or it'll take about 6 months to "cross" the
customs (and I'll have to pay an import tax of about 50%)
In fact I realized that there's an Waldorf Dealer at Buenos Aires, Argentina
(I can't believe that those Argentinians have it and we don't...but shit
happens...and more often to them..:-), but I'll have to assume the risk to
loose my MicroQ in the customs when it come back...

> > I see, you're not selling your mom, you just stole a Museum...:-)
> > Seriuosly, they're too nice to be sold...but someone have to do
> I will get much more out of the Micro Q and Virus b than all of those
> together. I also just bough a Nord Micro Modular. That's it! I am done
> synth for awhile!! :-)

I agree w/ you. But there's the "sentimental" thing.
My version: "That's it! I'm trying to buy a synth for a while!!"...:-)
