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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] OT- Waldorf Gear

From: Sayer <sayerseely@...>
Date: 2001-01-05

--- PinheadX <pinheadx@...> wrote:

> About the cost/benefit ratio, I assume that the MicroQ should be a better
> deal, am I wrong?

It's an excellent deal! I decided to get one instead of the Q rack.

> AFAIK, the MicroQ is not available in US yet, and I heard from Waldorf that
> the Voice Expansion have no date to hit the stores...

My Micro Q was shipped today. They have hit the US. :-)

> that's my biggest
> problem, I'm running out of time to buy this (there's a guy that will come
> to Brazil in February, so I have to buy it ASAP) and this expansion must be
> instaled on a Waldorf service center or dealer, but they don't exist here in
> Brazil. I e-mailed them but the response I got wasn't satisfying.

Hmm... That could be a problem. Do you really thing you will need the extra
voices? What other synths are you using?

> I see, you're not selling your mom, you just stole a Museum...:-)
> Seriuosly, they're too nice to be sold...but someone have to do that..:-)

I will get much more out of the Micro Q and Virus b than all of those pieces
together. I also just bough a Nord Micro Modular. That's it! I am done buying
synth for awhile!! :-)


'96 PC800 "Discovery"
Herndon, VA

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