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Subject: Re: AN1x Cakewalk definition

From: jondl@...
Date: 2001-01-05

--- In, Sayer <sayerseely@y...> wrote:
> --- jondl@j... wrote:
If I check the
> > properties for the file in Win98 it seems to think it is an 'Internet
> > Communications Setting' document -
> That is normal! Open it up in notepad or wordpad and you will see that it is
> ok. The one I have is dated Jan. 19, 1998.

ep, that's the one! Sayer, thanks much for checking that out - and
passing along the winword tip too. Gerry, did you catch that? Give it a
try...and let us know how it goes.

> > being a Mac user at home I've no
> > copy of Cakewalk to test further. Does anybody have a working copy of
> > this file? How about uploading it to the Files section to replace the
> > 'corrupted' one...
> I tried to access the files section at eGroups just now and got the following
> error:
> Oops...
> File access is currently unavailable. Please try again later.

Yeah, that's the eGroups server(s) acting up. It clears up fairly
quickly. I get that every now and again. As a matter of fact it got me
last night actually when I'd just about finished proof reading an
online reply that I was about to post :-# That's the down side of using
the Web Only feature for eGroups messaging :-/ I should go back to
individual emails.

Thanks for the assist Sayer.
