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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] USB - any good as a MIDI port interface?

From: "Tom" <tom@...>
Date: 2001-01-04

Hi Accuface...

We were just about to get one of those Steinberg 8x midi interfaces...

all we heard was that they were the best you could get...

But thanks for alerting me to this usb timing problem...

I shall investigate the matter further and let you know of my

----- Original Message -----
From: Marlon Jürs <M.Juers@...>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, January 03, 2001 5:51 PM
Subject: AW: [AN1x-list] USB - any good as a MIDI port interface?

> Hi there!
> I got exactly the same problem as Chris. I still hesitate from buying an
> USB-MIDI-Interface. Because of it's described timing and
> Now I heard about the "great" new USB-Midex 8x8-MIDI-Interface from
> Steinberg wich offers a new technology called LTB-protocol ­ which means:
> more timing problems. Could this be true with USB? Is'nt still the serial
> port much more accurate than USB? Does anyone of you have made any own
> experiences with it or can tell me, where I can read tests or comparisons
> about it. Please help!!!
> Thanks and kind regards
> Accuface
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