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----- Original Message -----
From: Marlon Jürs <M.Juers@...>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, January 03, 2001 5:51 PM
Subject: AW: [AN1x-list] USB - any good as a MIDI port interface?
> Hi there!
> I got exactly the same problem as Chris. I still hesitate from buying an
> USB-MIDI-Interface. Because of it's described timing and
> Now I heard about the "great" new USB-Midex 8x8-MIDI-Interface from
> Steinberg wich offers a new technology called LTB-protocol which means:
> more timing problems. Could this be true with USB? Is'nt still the serial
> port much more accurate than USB? Does anyone of you have made any own
> experiences with it or can tell me, where I can read tests or comparisons
> about it. Please help!!!
> Thanks and kind regards
> Accuface
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