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> Three days later i emerged from my small studio :) Whow!!! What an--
> awesome synth this is. Initially i went through all the presets, and
> to no surprise they are not that great. Then i downloaded the editor
> and every patch i could find on the net. After hearing some of the
> amazing patches that people have made i am convinced that this synth
> was a complete steal for me.
> A few questions.....
> I'm running a Roland Mc505 and cakewalk pro 8. I grabbed the
> cakewalk ins' definition file from the vault here on the list, but
> when attempting to load it in cakewalk it says this: "not a valid ins
> definititon file"??? The file is only 6kb. Can anyone verify if
> this file is corrupt or better yet email me the new one. Also can i
> run two instrument definition files at once? Ie send controller data
> to the 505 and send controller data to the An1x. Currently i'm
> using the 505 inst' def' file and it's making the An1x do
> unpredictable things. I have ordered a midi sport 4x4 and that
> should help the connection side of things.
> Well that's about it for now, i'm stuck at work wishing was at home
> making music :(
> Happy new year
> Gerry B
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