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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] Re: Kenton Plugstation & PLG cards

From: Sayer <sayerseely@...>
Date: 2000-12-23

> Don't get me wrong: I think the SuperNova sounds wonderful and the
> layout (user interface) is well thought out too! I wish I could spend
> more hands on time with one. Your point regarding the Nova should be
> well taken as an alternative to "stock piling" (I use the term VERY
> loosely) PLG150-AN cards. My ∗personal∗ preference has always been
> for the Nord Lead 2 but that's another matter altogether and I'm
> already on record as being a fan of the Nord user interface :-)

That Nord interface is very immediate indeed! I have watched them also over the
past couple years.
> Still, back to the Plugstation (what's in a name, anyway? ;-) you
> have to admire the fact that somebody is actually bringing a viable,
> aftermarket accessory like the Plugstation to fruition. It's been
> ∗years∗ since anything like this was made and I hope the trend
> continues! Remember those old DX7 hacks from Grey Matter Response, or
> that DW8000 mod from Angel somethingorother in Germany( and didn't
> they do one for the D50 too?) What about the "Frontal Lobe" mod for
> the Korg M1?! I think it's great that they've done this and I wish
> them all due success.

Yes, I think it's a very cool thing. Did I understand correctly that it does
not need a host synth (Yamaha CS6x or S20)? But if that's the case then I guess
you would have no effects unless you bought an external processor...


'96 PC800 "Discovery"
Herndon, VA

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