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Subject: RE: [AN1x-list] Kenton Plugstation & PLG cards

From: "Gary Gregson" <gary@...>
Date: 2000-12-22

Ray wrote:
How much will the box be and how much is AN1x card now ?

I am not sure whether the price is finalised (it will of course depends on
who distributes it and where). However the price I have heard is around
200Uk pounds for the basic unit (i.e. without the multiple output Audio
mixing board).

The PLG150AN is around 150UK pounds.

Plus - what features does Card lack compared to real AN-1x ? I heard Free EG
(big pity) , what about FX and modul. matrix ?

The PLG card is single scene (5 note poly) and does not provide the An1x
effect units (apart from AMP Sim....the host device is supposed to provide
effects). It does however have the FreeEG, Step Seq/Arp and Matrix features.
Plus you can still do morphing (albeit between the active scene and a
pre-stored voice). As an added extra the PLG card also provides some cross
modulation parameters and oscillator wave forms that were not present on the
original AN1x!

As such the AN1x and PLG150AN card are NOT directly sysex compatible.
However if you use An1xEdit, then it will take care of converting voice
patches between the two devices for you ;-)

