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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] Kenton Plugstation & PLG cards

From: Reggie <reggie@...>
Date: 2000-12-22

AN1x-PLG has free EG and Matrix. It only has Amp sim effect because the
host device is expected to have native effects that can be applied to
the PLG card. It doesn't have scene 2.

In message <3A436B27.B0C98C41@...>, RayMaxer
<digil@...> writes
>Wow , that sounds very interesting ..
>Though I bought ViRUS b several months ago , I am still using AN-1x more 'cause
>I think I love its sound more .. it's very smooth and warm it seems to me
>compared to raw and sharp sound of ViRUS ..
>I'd definitly love to have more AN-1x power ..
>How much will the box be and how much is AN1x card now ?
>Plus - what features does Card lack compared to real AN-1x ? I heard Free EG
>(big pity) , what about FX and modul. matrix ?
>Gary Gregson wrote:
>> Neil wrote:
>> > Does it allow you to play more than one card at a time?
>> can play all four PLG cards simultaneously...either from the host
>> device (SW1K, S80 etc) or from the external box mounted MIDI ports....or
>> from a combination of both. You can also route their outputs to separate
>> audio outs (if you have the Audio board option fitted) or back to the host
>> device as a mixed down stereo signal.
>> Also each card can have a separate port allocation and MIDI channel.
>> Furthermore each card can also have a different sysex ID. So you could have
>> four PLG150AN cards in there and you could edit them separately!!! This
>> would give you a quad timbral AN device with a polyphony of 20 notes!!!!
>> Basically its very cool...and very affordable :-)
>> Regards
>> Gary
>> Email:
>> gary@...
>> >
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