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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] Poll: what instruments

From: Peter Korsten <peterk@...>
Date: 2000-04-13

Jerry A shared with us:
> >Hmm, what does an EX5 count as? It's got sample play, sampling,
> >and modeling...
> Good point. This is the trouble with trying to make a MECE (mutually
> exclusive, completely exhaustive) list. They are hard to make well.
> Apologies....

Apologies? Don't be silly... it's in the interest of everyone,
after all.

> Unless others feel strongly otherwise, I would suggest putting the
> EX5 in all the categories it applies to, since you might use it in
> any of those roles.

OK. I think the term 'workstation' would have fit the bill, though
the EX5 is not really a workstation, more like a very big synth
with exciting capabilities as well as frustrating shortcomings.

- Peter