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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] Re: The AN1x Voice Setup Guide CD-ROM

From: "PinheadX" <pinheadx@...>
Date: 2000-12-21

Thanx for posting that file, pal...I was quite curious about the other
(tweaks.mid). I assumed that these voices are REALLY new ones, but in fact
they are just "variations".

I noticed that there's 4 patches that are different or at least have
different names, I didn't make the comparision to be sure about (BTW, these
are the same that are "missing" on the file I posted):
#5 Toadstool (UNI LEAD)
#10 Freecut (B-BASS)
#13 Insides (BELLJANGLE)
#20 Creeper (LFO PAD)

But you're a sadic let me ruin my eyes searching for that
"guide-voices" before you post it!!!...are you that bad when you're playing
your AN??? Ok, I don't want to start the "spanking" thread again...:-)

Thanx again.

From: "Tom" <tom@...>

> here it is... I've uploaded the sounds some are .mid some are for some
> thing i dont
> understand but there is a readme file there too that says what they're
> for.
> Other things on the disk include the guide .pdf file, a load of voices
> midlands, bases etc.
> which I'm sure are already in the files directory... and the original
> version of Gary's program.
> Hope it helps, I've put them in a directory called Yamaha An1x support
> (or something)
> which is in the patches directory...