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>Ah, make that one fifth. The EX5 has two AN voices (either layered
> I don't own an AN1X myself, but I do own 2/5 of one!
> Or put another way, I own a Yamaha EX5, which has the AN modelling
> within its sonic armoury.
> One area I am considering (it's crazy Yamaha never supported it) isVL30? I suppose you mean VL70m...
> to provide converter utilities to allow the EX to read the patches of
> the synths it is derived from, viz: A3000, VL30, CS series, and AN1X.
> As I also program for a hobby, I can combine two interests and theHow about someone who owns both a silver EX5 and an AN1x? :)
> result will benefit a lot of people.
> To start off, I am looking at starting on an AN1X to EX patch
> converter in the new year (once I've finished some other projects)
> and I am looking for a friendly AN1X owner who may be able to help me
> out.
> The sort of help I would be looking for is for somebody to eitherThe .an1 format of the AN1xEdit program is described somewhere,
> create or take a patch, note down all the parameter settings and then
> send this to me along with the actual file containing the bank. This
> would allow me to dissect the AN1X voice and come up with a mapping
> to the EX voice structure.