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Subject: an1x problems PLEASE HELP ME

From: signorefe@...
Date: 2000-12-20

sorry for my poor english, but I'm italian an so...

I have some problems with my an1x: I bought an1x in second hand...
and i suddenly foud out strange noises when I startup the synth but
only in the winther (rarely in the summer) or when the temperature is
less than 20°C ?!?!?...
I know that this problem is a known problem but how can I fix it
without spending a lot of money?

Second problem: I need a powerful randomizer LIKE the one in the CS1X
EDIT (GREAT TOOL!). I know that in the AN1XEDIT there's one but to
use it I need to activate the "MODE2"...
I found the instructions how to activate MODE2 in the original manual
but I coudn't be able to do this because my synth doesn't show me in
what mode is set... so
1) can someone suggests me a different randomizer
2) how can i set mode2?

Tanks to everybody