Hello z,
As Peter mentioned, the Teklab A-series forums/mailing are very
active - more so than the eGroups A-Series list. But that list is
good for a different perspective now & again :-)
> I have got problems with my controller... I use for it my an1x and,
i don't
> know why, values from controller are accumulated with
> the values set up in for eg filter set up (settings like -0 , +127
> (but it's not shown of
> course). How 2 configure controller or a sampler to have a sampler
set the
> same value as on the an1x display (0-127) ?
I think you'll find this behavior is inherent to the 'overide', or
'offset', type of user interface employed on the Yamaha A-Series
Samplers. I have a similar situation with my Ensoniq ASR-X Pro. The
values used at the Track level of the ASR-X are +/- offsets to the
preprogrammed values of the sound assigned to a Track. Therefore, the
following applies in my set-up when transmitting a MIDI CC from an
Assign Knob to a sample assigned to an ASR-X Pro track:
AN1X Value of 0 = ASR-X value of -63
AN1X Value of 63 = ASR-X value of 0
AN1X Value of 127 = ASR-X value of +63
It's simply a matter of tweaking your sounds to taste. If I need a
filter sweep more dramatic than the perceived limitation of the +/-
offset then I make certain the base value of my samples sound is near
the freq I wish to sweep from.
On the plus side, the Track overides/offset make short work of
'tweaking' imported sound files from the "old" Ensoniq sample library
format. Sometimes the translation routines don't do a very good job
(about 1 in 10 on average) and I use the +/- offset to adjust the
to taste without having to start a big editing session. Very handy,
IMO. I hope to employ this benefit further when I pick up some Akai
Sample CD's in the New Year :-P
> just want to controll parameters in 'direct' way ( like it is on
This is true of the AN1x most the time - but keep in mind the Depth
parameter in the Control Matrix can be set to a +, -, or Direct value
when applied to the internal tone generator. You can't reassign this
when tranmitting MIDI CC to an external module :-( Too bad, what a
_cool_ feature that would have been!
If the perceived limitation of the A-Series design _really_ bothers
than you may want to take a look at an E-mu or Akai sampler.
Personally, I'm not so bothered by this problem with my Ensoniq as
you've probably guessed by now. For me, the great sound quality and
of the ASR-X outweigh the odd user interface tidbits. Hope you feel
same about your A3000 :-)