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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] Sampler v. computer (Slighly off topic)

From: "kees balde" <c.p.balde@...>
Date: 2000-12-15

Well I think mathematics still has a lot of secrets, a lot of mathematical
problems can't be solved exactly, only numerically, shortcomings on our
theories I think. And mathematics is always searching for faster algorhytms
so solve problems.

----- Original Message -----
From: Peter Korsten <peterk@...>
To: AN1x mailing list <>
Sent: Wednesday, December 13, 2000 12:45 PM
Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] Sampler v. computer (Slighly off topic)

> From: "kees balde" <c.p.balde@...>
> > the ways of synthesis are in theory infinitive.....but I think it will
> stop
> > to evolve at some time, because no great improvements will be made.
> > And then..........some new device will conquer the world of modern music
> > with something totally new.
> > The same as theories in science.
> Depends on what kind of science. Mathematics, for instance, doesn't have
> many secrets left.
> To me, it appears as accoustic instrument development has come to a
> stand-still, at least in regard to new kinds of instruments.
> Even in electronic instrument design, things seem to be slowing down. The
> last really revolutionary step was the Yamaha VL1 in 1995, and to a
> less degree the Yamaha FS1r in 1998, but that was based much on an older
> design.
> But there isn't much more than accoustic instruments and synthesisers,
> because the latter is such a large group. There were the Rhodes, Hammonds
> and the like, that are somewhere in between. But nothing is happening on
> that front either.
> So now we have modelling effects, but after that? I couldn't possibly
> More modularity, more combining of existing techniques into unusual
> combinations... or perhaps someone will come up with something totally
> or the Theory of Everything, for that matter.
> - Peter
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