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----- Original Message -----
From: redbrickdream <redbrickdream@...>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, December 14, 2000 1:39 AM
Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] Sampler v. computer.. prop-heads Reason
> Although I agree that proper interface is essential, I have to disagree in
at least one case.
> For the DSP Factory, I use c-console, which looks like a hardware mixer on
screen. There are other programs to control the DSP Factory, but I chose
c-console, partially because it looks just like a mixer. This helps me to
keep in perspective that the DSP Factory IS a mixer. Granted, it's on a PCI
card, but it IS a mixer, less the hardware control surface.
> I do agree, however, that Reason is a bit overblown. If it performs all
those things within reasonable PC spec, as all products SAY they can, then
the interface may be dealable. Time will tell...have they actually released
the demo of this's been promised for at least a year or so, hasn't
> Blades
> ---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
> From: Peter Korsten <peterk@...>
> Reply-To:
> Date: Wed, 13 Dec 2000 14:15:56 +0100
> >Steve shared with us:
> >> For those aspiring amateurs (- because they can't afford
> >> the "real thing")
> >>
> >> Has anyone seen the Propellerheads' new prog', called reason...
awesome... looks like a rack of gear, samplers, synths, mixer, effects, drum
> >> Soundz the business and looks amazing, you can toggle the front / back
view and see the rear of the rack and plug in cables as you want them...
> >> This is certainly the "next generation" as far as pc software goes...
imagine Rebirth, but 1000 times better... tricky huh?
> >
> >I've seen it. I don't trust software with rack ears painted on it.
> >
> >Apart from the sound quality - which is reason-ably good, as far
> >as I could tell - it's generally not a good idea to have a computer
> >program look like an existing piece of hardware because, well, it's
> >not a piece of hardware.
> >
> >Still, manufacturers keep making this mistake over and over again.
> >A good - better said, very bad - example is IBM's Real range of
> >software: RealCD and RealPhone.
> >
> >Heck, even Apple, pioneers of good user interface design, have
> >messed up Quicktime 4.
> >
> >Here's a link about the subject:
> >
> >
> >
> >I've suggested Logic Audio to the site maintainer, since it the
> >worst piece of user interface I've ever witnessed.
> >
> >Anyway, I have nothing against soft synths or soft effect units,
> >but I want a serious interface, and I want to be taken seriously
> >as a user. These "designed" user interfaces imply that either the
> >programmer or the user is braindead.
> >
> >- Peter
> >
> >
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