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Subject: Re: Horrendous rasping noise

From: jondl@...
Date: 2000-12-14

?!?! 24 months since I purchased my AN1x and I've never heard this
happen - good for me, bad for you :-(

I wonder if it could be related to the now infamous "popping &
clicking" bug in the audio outputs? I had this repaired by Yamaha
about three - four months after I bought my AN1x. Are you the original
owner or did you buy it 2nd hand - maybe your warranty is till good?


--- In, "Jerry A" <jerrya3@h...> wrote:
> Fellas:
> This morning I turned my An1x on and started going through some
> patches. I hit upon one which had both scenes turned on (so you
> morph between them). There was a loud intermittent rasping noise,
> kind you get when your speaker connection is hitting and missing.
> I thought maybe I had tweaked the patch into some weirdness(sounded
> like a S&H LFO modulating the osc sync) and went to something else,
> but every patch that had both scenes on had this. The sound is loud
> enough that the synth sounds soft by comparison.
> Has anybody run into this? Any advice about how to cure it (short
> sending it to synth hospital)? What are the options for a synth
> hospital other than yamaha?
> Thanks for any help you can give.
> Jerry