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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] Sampler v. computer (Slighly off topic)

From: "kees balde" <c.p.balde@...>
Date: 2000-12-13

the ways of synthesis are in theory infinitive.....but I think it will stop
to evolve at some time, because no great improvements will be made.
And then..........some new device will conquer the world of modern music
with something totally new.
The same as theories in science.

----- Original Message -----
From: Peter Korsten <peterk@...>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, December 12, 2000 6:51 AM
Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] Sampler v. computer (Slighly off topic)

> kees balde shared with us:
> > Yes, pianos are still in use, but there are many instruments (see
> > instruments) that are very old fashioned and nobody (except freaks at
> > universities) plays on them anymore. So the synthesizer may be replaced
> > something better.......maybe
> There were predecessors to the piano, that aren't in use anymore.
> The piano is a highly evolved instrument, and it is better than
> what came before it.
> The same goes for more primitive medieval instruments. You can
> still get them, but they have been overtaken by the guitar. And
> since "everyone" uses a guitar, every publication is about guitar,
> and thus everyone uses a guitar...
> But synthesisers as a whole are a group of constantly evolving
> instruments, which sets them apart from more traditional, accoustic
> ones. There isn't much development of actual new accoustic instruments:
> the saxophone was one of the last ones to make an impact.
> So synthesisers won't be replaced, though they will evolve. Whether
> they will ever stop evolving - will there be a time when all
> synthesis methods have been invented and perfected? - is an
> interesting question.
> Developments seem to point towards seperation of instrument and
> interface (soft synths and PLG boards), and modelling is still
> going on.
> - Peter
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