From: <
> and now about soft synths... lower end???? did you see you advertise Giga
> sampler? and Reality? Hans Zimmer uses Giga all the time and he what..only
> one an Oscar.
> no pun intended but Giga sampler, Reality and other softsynths are
> powerful and sounds superb.
Oh, I have no doubt about that. But suppose you work outside a studio, where
equipment gets occassionally dropped, where there's several hundreds of
kilowatts of interference around, is a software solution still the best?
I think that software instruments will be popular on the lower end - home
musicians, bedroom studios, aspiring amateurs - because they can't afford
the "real thing". (Well, except for that friend of mine who recently bought
a K2600X and the sampling option.) Hey, you could even make an illegal copy,
saves even more money.
For a studio environment, we'll see more and more computers used, though.
Especially outboard effects is going to get some kicking, I expect. Then
again, I don't see a Lexicon 960L replaced anytime soon.
- Peter