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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] OT: hardware HD rec + sequencer

From: "Peter Korsten" <peterk@...>
Date: 2000-11-28

From: "Daniel G." <dang@...>

> Is there such a beast as a hardware HD recorder (8+ tracks) with a
> built in midi-sequencer? I have a mu100+plg150 here and I would
> honestly like to quit using my computer. It would be nice if the
> sequencer had fine-tuning of midi controllers, or at least remapping
> of existing controllers (say, mod wheel to anything else).

There are harddisk recorders and there are hardware sequencers, but I've
never heard about them being built into one unit.

Why do you want it in one unit? Won't two do? I think you can go quite a
long way with synchronisation over MIDI.

> Thank you and apologies for this off-topic post, but I was hoping
> maybe someone is using such a setup with their an1x... I want
> ∗precision∗ control over the CC matrix on the plg150, without the
> timing problems that seem to be associated with midi sequencers under
> non-realtime OSes. Not only that, but I don't want to invest that kind
> of money in a nice low-latency soundcard with a zillion
> input channels... I need two, that's it. I plan on composing all
> channels at once and then recording and tweaking a track at a time.

Hmm, that could be harder than you think. It's possible, sure, but it's also
time-consuming and it might get into the way of creativity. And I thought
you wanted a >8 track recorder?

By the way, you can always buy ProTools. Or perhaps you can't, like many
mortals. That's the trouble with ProTools.

- Peter