Archive of the former Yahoo!Groups mailing list: The Yamaha AN1x Synthesizer mailing list

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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] New poll for AN1x-list

From: mango <mango@...>
Date: 2000-04-12

First off: No one said there would be imminent consequences after the
Secondly: your opinion is certainly regarded, and i'm definately not going
to impose
that the patches should be attached, it was, again, just a thought..- wanted
to know
how people actually feel about it besides myself. And if everybody agreed to
it, then it would be fine, but if some don't we'll just keep it the most
friendly way. (which is: the one that suits everybody, no matter if you have
to do a little more effort.)
Thirdly: at some time the dir will be full. (what's the space? 2megs or 20
but that's irrelevant now anyway, i agree... But i just ∗thought∗ it would
be handy
to attach your patch along with the email instead of redirecting to an
URL... or well... maybe that's just as good. =)


Peter Korsten wrote:

> shared with us:
> >
> > Would you mind it if the patches be sent
> > to the list directly also? (there will
> > also always be the patches directory at
> > to download them at any time
> > too)
> Please keep in mind that posting patches to the list is both
> unnecesarry - because the archive exists - and highly irritating
> for those who really don't want to have these attachments.
> Suppose that twelve people are in favour and four are against, that
> would mean that an 75% majority is in favour of posting patches to
> the list. Pretty impressive, huh? It would also probably mean that
> those four people would unsubscribe.
> The archive is there with a purpose. Use it accordingly.
> - Peter