Archive of the former Yahoo!Groups mailing list: The Yamaha AN1x Synthesizer mailing list

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Subject: Mlan (was Commercial Trance)

From: clix <clix@...>
Date: 2000-11-19

There was a 4 month special 'bout mlan in Sound on Sound recently. Your
right and we probably won't see it in our computers soon (at least what i
understood the whole audio-protocol is in its earliest stages of
development). The video-protocol is another story, ofcourse it's the most
commercial component of this fantastic technology.. The advantage of this
development is that IS going to be a standard protocol in the near future.
As for samplers and Mlan compatibility, i think the yamaha A4K/5K would be
the safest bet. Although i can't imagine there won't be some analog/digital
mlan converters in the future.


Forget about mLAN for the A-series samplers for a moment. It's not working
yet, and it's not certain that they will (be able to) fix it.

My source is Jay Vaughan, the guy who runs Teklab.


clix @ cyberpunk studios | clix@... |