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Subject: Re: [patch cookup] organs

From: Peter Korsten <peterk@...>
Date: 2000-02-18

> From: joel <mango@...>
> I would like to begin the an1x-list patch challenge.
> This months patch cookup's suggestion is:
> Organs - funky organs / organic organs / Hammond types / whatever you
> want as long as it's organy.
> This shouldn't be too hard, as you can choose the organ initiation on
> the an1,
> but if you wanna find out what organs are all about, then you can start
> from the
> basic setting.

The really hard part is that I have an EX5r as well, who can put
a seperate effect on each individual note. :-)

The organs in the EX5 kick ass. How am I gonna beat that with a
two oscillator synth? :-)

> Send your attchements so the list!
> Let the patch cookup begin!

Why not put them in the files section of this list? This way, noone
will miss them and it saves on bandwidth. Not too mention, nobody
will be surprised by large files in his/her mailbox.

- Peter