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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] Commercial Trance

From: "Peter Korsten" <peterk@...>
Date: 2000-11-18

From: "Bastiaan van de Werk" <Hajee@...>

> I own the A4000 and it's a beasty for the money...the scsi i slow (readinf
> cd rom's is) but for transfer to and from your computer it's okay. Get an
> internal ide Zip drive with it, that's what I've done for storage tho.
> the most reliable way. Soon we will have firewire or mlan or whatever it's
> called, this should be very interseting when connecting your sampler to
> computer (very fast sample retreival etc..)

Forget about mLAN for the A-series samplers for a moment. It's not working
yet, and it's not certain that they will (be able to) fix it.

My source is Jay Vaughan, the guy who runs Teklab.

- Peter