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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] Commercial Trance

From: "Grant Davies" <grant@...>
Date: 2000-11-10

We tend to mix a fusion of trance and dnb in our music. Check out the studio demo cd section of our site

and if you hear a piece you like, let me know and I'll try and remember how we wrote any apregiated lines.

We use the An1x as a lead most of the time, but arpegiations are often done by the Prophecy, Juno 106 and Nord lead. The key I have found to giving it that Trance feel, is to create a pensive feel to the arpegiation, so using sharps and flats in the arpegiation is key. The other BIG one is a good delay. Just as an experiment create a basic 4 note arpegiation around 145 bmp without a delay effect. Now add a triplet delay left and right and make the left delay twice the length of the right delay.. see how fat the sound becomes and how much like commercial trance is sounds.

If you need more help, I'll may have some time over the weekend to send you an an1x patch with a midi file explaining what I mean.. (I need to do some tutorials for our website anyway!)

----- Original Message -----
From: Drmwaves@...
Sent: Friday, November 10, 2000 8:15 AM
Subject: [AN1x-list] Commercial Trance

I am sitting here with my An1x. It shines with a great design,
and cool analog sounds.
I am wondering how the big commercial trance musicians, such
as Paul van Dyk, Dj Jean , Dj Jurgen and so on, are making
their big nice main-leads in their songs.
Are there anybody out there who own such leads, or could
tell me where to find them?.
In my music i like to combine Fruityloops and An1x.
Are there anybody with much experience on such comination?

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