Did you ever get this woring? I tried it again tonight for the 1st time
in months - Turn the power off; hold the ASSIGN button; turn the power
on (while still holding the ASSIGN button.) The display will show which
Control Change Mode the AN1x is in - 1 or 2. Repeat the process to
change back from one mode to the other. The MIDI CC behavior is
documented on Page 9 of the Data List pamphlet. Pretty cool stuff if
you like to record some serious patch changes into a sw sequencer.
--- In
AN1x-list@egroups.com, "David Bagshaw" <epiphanius.geo@y...>
> It says in the manual to hold the "assign" button while powering up
> in order to change the control change mode, and that the mode number
> (1 or 2) will appear on the display. I've tried dthis several times
> and nothing changes, and nothing appears in the display. is there a
> typo in the manual (i.e. is there another way to change to control
> change mode 2)?
> Thanks,
> David