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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] Re: clock out/follow up

From: "Steve" <steve_bubble@...>
Date: 2000-10-29

The only thing that really annoys me about the an1x, is that you can only play one voice at a time... its my only keyboard and when I bought it I didn't have a clue what multitimbrality was... bummer.
Thing is, it's s'posed to be two parts multitimbral, with two voices in each sound, is there any way to separate them to play two voices at the same time in different channels in logic or whatever...?
----- Original Message -----
From: mtman@...
Sent: Saturday, October 28, 2000 6:44 PM
Subject: [AN1x-list] Re: clock out/follow up

Thanks very much for the info. I have been successful syncing the
AN1X as a slave. It's a bummer though to hear that the AN1X can't
be used as a Master. Yeah, I can work around, but it's disappointing,
particularly given how well Yamaha did on so many other things on this
synth, it's surprising they didn't provide for this. Oh well.


> Sorry to have to report that the AN1x does not transmit midi
> Just a quick note to add. Checking my files, this may help. Even tho
> AN1x can't transmit, it can be synched up to another clock. (I
> actually tried this). You could then synch up the piece you were
hoping to
> use to that same source.
> Here is a clip from a previous post:
> <<<The AN1x does not generate MIDI Clock information. I wish it did
but it
> does not. However, the Seq/Arp can be synchronized to MIDI Clock.
> the Select Knob to choose the the Voice/Common menu; then use the
> up/down button under Tempo to reduce the tempo to below '40' so the
> display reads MIDI. This info is saved at the Voice level - not
> globally. The AN1x does not sync to MTC (MIDI Time Code) only MIDI
> Clock (sometimes called MIDI Beat Clock.)
> Regards,
> Jon>>>
> Mike Berman
> digiboy@e...

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