<∗∗∗Sorry to everyone for the boring (ie. irrelevant) OT thread at the
moment.> :-)))
Hi Peter,
A post I recieved on the Atari topic from another list said:
"...Yes. PC will read Atari disks formatted on Atari TOS 1.04 or higher if
you used the standard built in formatter. I know midifiles and notator SL
and logic files come out ok. So do .TXT files, JPG, GIF and other picture
files. Files that are application dependent don't work of course."
So I can only assume that Atari made a change for the outwards compatibility
later down the track.
From: "Peter Korsten" <
AN1x-list@egroups.comDate: Thu, 26 Oct 2000 01:11:21 +0200
To: <
Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] Re: OT: Atari to PC File Convertor
From: "Phil" <
> Thinking about it more, I've realised that something like a standard MIDI
> file is well, a standard MIDI file. So my next question was "Can a PC read
> Atari formatted disks?" and the answer apparently is "Yes".
Er, the answer is "no". An Atari can read and write MS-DOS formatted disks,
however, since the only difference between MS-DOS and Atari formatted disks
is the media decriptor byte (indeed, one byte on the entire disk).
I have no doubt that various tools and/or patches exist on the Atari
platform to fix this, and perhaps more modern PC operating systems can read
Atari disks.
- Peter
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