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Subject: RE: [AN1x-list] An1x Edit Question - Grabbing Sounds

From: Elson Trinidad <elson@...>
Date: 2000-10-24

At 11:54 AM 10/23/00 +0100, you wrote:

>I was considering included edit buffer bulk requests on my own time ....but
>so far haven't got around to it :-(

D'oh! :) / :(

Very well, I'll just designate patch #128 as my temporary patch slot and
just cull that sound into An1x Edit...

If you ever get around to it, don't hesitate to spam the list 100 times. :)


- 30 -
: . elson trinidad, los angeles, california, usa
: . elson@... :
: . groove to the futurethnic beats of e:trinity at and