I think Phil is on to something when he mentioned in his post that
you may have a MIDI feedback loop somewhere.
I've a demo copy of Cubase VST for Mac that I've tried out and had
the same problem you describe. It was an utter mess recording/syncing
Cubase to the AN1x...but that was mostly user error on my part
Keep the following in mind:
1) The AN1x Arp/Seq doesn't transmit via the MIDI Out when LOCAL=OFF.
I know, that sucks doesn't it?! Set LOCAL=ON.
2) Set the "MIDI Ptn Tx Ch" under VOICE/ARPEGGIO/SETUP to a Transmit
Channel other than what your AN1x "Rx Ch" is set to. Example: "Rx Ch"
= MIDI Channel 1; "MIDI Ptn Tx Ch" = 3.
Once the data has been successfully recorded into Cubase, use Cubase
to rechannel the data to the correct MIDI module. If your intention is
to have the data play back to the AN1x sound engine then I would
suggest simply synchronizing the AN1x ARP/SEQ to Cubase and merely
record the MIDI Note On events into Cubase - not the arpeggiated
output. Make sense?
I don't recall off the top of my head where the tranmit MIDI Clock
setting is in Cubase - check under the Preferences settings maybe? On
the AN1x all you have to do is set the Tempo for your AN1x Voice to
MIDI by reducing the tempo below the value of 40. Easy.
Good luck! Let us know how it goes.
--- In
AN1x-list@egroups.com, "Richard den Rooyen" <synthlover@z...>
> hi all...got problems here
> when i try to use the PtnTxCh mode, so i can use MIDI to get the
> separate notes form the seq/arp into Cubase, the AN1x creates high
> peeps and Cubase will lock up....
> the result is that everything lock up and crash... i need then to
> reboot Win2000!!
> what could it be?!!
> hope someone cann/will help me