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Subject: SV: [AN1x-list] Midi Malfunctioning...Help please!

From: "Pergamon" <pergamon@...>
Date: 2000-10-08


Try removing your SB card from the computer. There's a lot of people
having problems with midiconnection when using SB-cards. I couldn't get my
midicard working until I removed my SB-card.



> Hi! i just recently purchased cubase VST 5.0 and i love it except for
> one thing, i cant get my midi to work properly! i hope someone on
> here can pleeeeeease help me out.what happens is this: the first
> measure gets cut off (no audio or midi signal) then after it loops
> through once, the last half of the 4th measure gets cut off abruptly
> while the first measure plays?? This happens for every one of my
> synths and midi connected instruments but doesnt happen if i instead
> use a vst instrument on the track?? I leave a full measure beforehand
> for my program change messages and everything to get sent to my
> An1X's as i know they need about half a second to kick in. in fct i'm
> not even sending any program change messages but do that as a
> precaution. i leave more than enough time for that..can someone
> please help? i've got no hair left from ripping it all out trying to
> figure this out!
> My Setup: Pentium 3 733 with 256 mb of PC133 RAM and AGP vid card
> Running Windows 98 SE
> Cubase VST 5.0
> MOTU Midi Express XT Paralell midi interface
> Sound Blaster Live gold
> Echo Mona using the ASIO drivers that came with it
> Yamaha AN1X as my master controller
> Another Yamaha AN1X, FS1R, TX81Z
> Korg I4s
> I've tried checking all the settings in cubase and read through
> the "getting started book" 5 million times but i cant fix this. i
> hope someone can help me out. thanks in advance to everyone for
> listening to me rant. thanks and any help/suggestions/troubleshooting
> tips would be GREATLY appreciated. thanks!
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