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Subject: Midi Malfunctioning...Help please!

From: AZAGOTH1@...
Date: 2000-10-08

Hi! i just recently purchased cubase VST 5.0 and i love it except for
one thing, i cant get my midi to work properly! i hope someone on
here can pleeeeeease help me out.what happens is this: the first
measure gets cut off (no audio or midi signal) then after it loops
through once, the last half of the 4th measure gets cut off abruptly
while the first measure plays?? This happens for every one of my
synths and midi connected instruments but doesnt happen if i instead
use a vst instrument on the track?? I leave a full measure beforehand
for my program change messages and everything to get sent to my
An1X's as i know they need about half a second to kick in. in fct i'm
not even sending any program change messages but do that as a
precaution. i leave more than enough time for that..can someone
please help? i've got no hair left from ripping it all out trying to
figure this out!
My Setup: Pentium 3 733 with 256 mb of PC133 RAM and AGP vid card
Running Windows 98 SE
Cubase VST 5.0
MOTU Midi Express XT Paralell midi interface
Sound Blaster Live gold
Echo Mona using the ASIO drivers that came with it
Yamaha AN1X as my master controller
Another Yamaha AN1X, FS1R, TX81Z
Korg I4s
I've tried checking all the settings in cubase and read through
the "getting started book" 5 million times but i cant fix this. i
hope someone can help me out. thanks in advance to everyone for
listening to me rant. thanks and any help/suggestions/troubleshooting
tips would be GREATLY appreciated. thanks!