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Subject: Bulk dumps from PLG150-AN

From: lars.l.arnwald@...
Date: 2000-10-07


It seems my problem is similar but not identical to what has been
discussed in the Bulk dump thread for the last couple of days.

I'm using my PLG card sitting in a MU100R, the AN1xEdit, and the
Yamaha CBX driver through the To Host port on the MU. First I tried
to download the Killerloop patch from the PLGPreset1.anp file.
Nothing seems to happen, at least not on the MU display. Since I'm
mostly interested in the SysEx view of the communication between the
components I recently added the MIDIOX to the chain. It's really a
great tool. I'm running my PC on Windows NT4 and I can get no
sequencer to function properly on that OS, so Thank God (or rather
Jamie and Jerry) for the MIDIOX!

Unfortunately the Request function in the AN1x mode is disabled in
the PLG mode with the AN1xEdit. Instead I performed the Dump 16 parts
command with the MU into the MIDIOX. I get such a multitude of bytes,
so I can't distinguish which is the part 1 I have assigned the PLG
to. Maybe the Dump 16 parts doesn't include the settings on Plug In
cards at all.

One of the reasons I've done this work is, that I think the patches
with PLGPreset files are not same as those sitting in the PLG card.
Comparing the Killerloop patch loaded into the AN1xEdit with the info
from the PLG manual regarding the Killer patch on the card doesn't
produce the same result. This also goes for some other patch
comparisons with identical names. I'm really interested to get the
PLG patches into the AN1xEdit, so how am going to do?
