Hi Henrik,
Just export the voice setup from An1xedit as a MIDI file (library/Bulk
Section EXPORT button). Then merge the MIDI file into your Cubase song. Also
make sure you enter the relevant sysex strings to configure the XG device to
use the AN card (see the AN1xEdit Help file for more
details....Introduction/Using the PLG150AN).
gary@... http://www.yme.co.uk/yme-----Original Message-----
fodgaard@... [mailto:
Sent: 06 October 2000 12:51
AN1x-list@egroups.comSubject: [AN1x-list] Mission impossible? Bulk dumps from ANx1Edit/PLG150
into Cubase
I need to record ANx1Edit/PLG150AN bulk dumps to a midi file for easy
instrument changes during a song.
I have tried Cubase and the XGworks light supplied with my SW1000XG
card, but never succeded in getting the bulk dump (even for a single
voice) into my sequencer (using Hubi's loopback device) and getting it
to play back as intended. I recognize that limited sysex buffer size
be the problem, but could someone please tell me of a sequencer
free or shareware, I want to use Cubase for regular work) that
will do the job.
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