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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] Re: To Jon --> "ophone" patch... still problem !!!

From: "Peter Korsten" <peterk@...>
Date: 2000-10-01

From: "Gary Gregson" <gary@...>

> Basically its just a bad bit of programming on my part....but
> one of those programming errors that's hard to spot if you don't see the
> mistake immediately. Furthermore, since not many people actually write
> comments into their AN1 library files....its not the kind of thing that
> immediately start to generate end user bug reports ;-(

I see these about once every two weeks as FreeBSD security advisories. :)

Guess what, my computer is working again. It took me a week and you really
don't want to know what else in matters of installing and re-installing. But
luckily, I managed to save all my data.

And, incidently, I now have a CD-Rewriter (Plextor 8/4/32A). The thing
writes twice as fast as my old CD-ROM reads...

- Peter