Archive of the former Yahoo!Groups mailing list: The Yamaha AN1x Synthesizer mailing list

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Subject: Hi member from the Netherlands

From: synthlover@...
Date: 2000-09-10

Hi all...

i like to see there is a mail list for the great Yamaha AN1x

i like to use the instrument, but i have a problem with it in Cubase..

euhh..problem...probaly none , but i don`t know how to change the
tempo of the arpegiator with Cubase...

there is a setting in the AN1x, to set the Tempo to MIDI, but how do
make Cubase start the arpegiattor and follow the tempo i set in

I will put some patches i made, included a nice Theremin and a JMJ
sound, in the list in a day
