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Subject: Re: Saving splits

From: jondl@...
Date: 2000-09-03

--- In, "flower bridge" <hot_apex@h...> wrote:
> It seems rather elementary but I haven't figured out how to save 2
> patches to one patch as a split and contol the octaves and such of
> split independently. Would it be easier to do with An1x Edit or

It's not too hard. Find a Voice, or create a Voice, in "Dual" mode,
i.e., two scenes. The display will read "Dual" to let you know. Use
Layer button on the front panel to change the mode to "Split". Again,
this will be reflected on the display. You should now here Scene 1 on
the left hand side of the Split Point and Scene 2 on the right hand
side of the split point. If I'm not mistaken this is a fixed
assignment. If you want to reverse which sound is on which side of
split point you actually have to copy Scene 1 to Scene 2. There's a
provision in the AN1x OS for exactly this but I don't recall how
without looking at the manual.

The Split Point can be adjusted. The function is found under the
COMMON menu.

The Arp/Seq can be set to control either or both Scene in Voice and
this is also true for Keyboard Splits. You must keep in mind though
that the KbdMode function will come into play (no pun intended) and
may need to be adjusted for the desired affect. This is the most
confusing element, IMO.

Now that you (hopefully) understand the basic it should be just as
to program from the front panel as it is from AN1xEdit.

> Things were so much easier with my psr keyboard... =( Any help
will be
> appreciated although you will to put up with the fact that I have
> no idea what I'm doing. If there is a webpage that might cover
this and
> related things, I would rather save you people the trouble. All a
> right now is the so called manual.
> Thanks

Feel free to check out my website for
Tips & Tricks contributed by this list and the old AN1x list. I
this is a topic that should be written up too.
