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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] Korg M3r - anyone own this?

From: Sayer <sayerseely@...>
Date: 2000-08-29

--- Darren Boudreau <RIXdeGAUL@...> wrote:
> hey guys,
> anyone own a Korg M3R module? a fellow at work has one for sale and i'm
> wondering if it's any good for me to use...he's selling it for $200 US.
> ThanX,
> Darren

Depends on what you want to use it for.... I have the 03R/W which is quite
similar. It is not a techno machine, instead it will create some nice pads,
strings, choirs and stuff like that.

I run the website for the 03R/W.


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