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> --- In, mango <j.kolling@c...> wrote:
> > "Enhancers" can (and do? (nevermind..)) work in several ways...
> some brands
> > apply other techniques than others... one method (or type if you
> will) is
> > the adding of upper harmonics or other frequencies and another
> method is the
> > deviding (and shifting) of audioranges (shifting (with some sort of
> > cross-over) some lower freqs to higher freqs or vice versa, i.e.
> changing
> > the treshold. (∗something∗ like this anyway :)
> Fascinating? What are common brandnames and models? Or are "enhancer"
> algorithms included on "normal" multieffectunits? Do you need one
> (enhancer i mean=) ?
> And how much for it? And what can you do wrong with it? Do you use an
> enhancer on the whole mix or only on parts of it?
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