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Subject: Didgeridoodadi and compressor algorithm(was: New file upl...)

From: "Thomas Finegan" <tomfinegan@...>
Date: 2000-08-24

--- In, mango <j.kolling@c...> wrote:
> i tried to make it as real as possible ...
> but i forgot that i had connected a compressor directly to the
outputs of
> the AN1x , (pretty much compression, and the output to +18db) so it
> kindof different
> alone, sounds more real with the compressor enabled ... but like i
said, i
> didn't notice i had the compressor on when i ta'week'd the
patch .... :)

Hm, interesting. The thing is, i never used a compressor, b/c i
still don´t have an external FX-unit, which i wanted to by next year
(BOSS VF-1)...
But speaking of compressor, didn´t the AN1x has a compressor
algorithm? But oh you can´t use it then together with
the "overdriven" one...Hm...sorry for the stupid question but, what
exactly does the compressor do with my sound? What ratio, etc. do i
choose for what result?

Cheers, Tom